Monday 24 March 2014


There are various centres which conduct yoga classes and the latest fitness technique that is making waves in Las Vegas is hot hula. There are centres in Las Vegas which are into Hot Hula Classes also.

Las Vegas Yoga Classes
Hot Hula – It is a fun core workout technique that finds its roots to the islands and makes use of rhythmic drumbeats. This technique includes dance workouts, cooling down, break down, warm up, etc in its regime. There are different forms of Hot Hula which are also included in the sessions like low impact exercises, squat pulses, low side steps and high energy steps, etc.  This method of fitness is highly popular and in demand only because it is different from run of the mill exercises as it is a beautiful combination of core work out, hula dance and hip hop inspired moves.

Yoga – A proven fitness technique Yoga finds its roots in India but today is popular across the world. Yoga is a very ancient technique and not only improves fitness but enhances your stamina also. It has a lot of benefits which include relief and elimination of body pains. It helps in weight loss, all round fitness, flexibility, better postures and more.

While choosing a class for yourself do a bit of research and analysis about the classes so that you choose the one which gives you value for your money.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


One of the time tested exercise regimes which has benefited millions of people all around the world is yoga.  While, one of the latest techniques which is becoming popular day by day due to its innumerable benefits it offer is the ‘Nia’ exercising technique or call it aerobic yoga. 

Las Vegas Yoga Classes
Yoga & Benefits – Yoga is an ancient technique of exercising which consists of different types of ‘asanas’ or postures which help you in many ways than one to enhance your fitness and improve your stamina. Yoga not only provides relief from many types of body pains but also eliminates them completely if performed on a regular basis. It is apparently a physical, mental as well as spiritual way or practice which finds its roots in India and is performed for attaining a state of complete and permanent peace of mind.  Benefits of yoga to the body include weight loss, stress relief, all round fitness, immunity improvement, inner peace, flexibility and better postures, enhanced energy levels, betterment in relationships and much more. 

Nia & Benefits – ‘Nia’ is a newer exercising method which integrates therapeutic wellness, educational models as well as self growth and helps people of various age groups as well as people with physical challenges and limitations achieve great fitness levels.The USP of this technique is that it combines both eastern and western types of dance -Taichi, yoga as well as martial arts. This technique is a balance of flexibility and creativity and is also known as aerobic yoga because of the combination technique it is. The benefits of ‘Nia’ include muscle strengthening, weight loss, weight maintenance, improved sexual activity, mobility as well as flexibility and much more.